Thursday, September 15, 2011

I'm a Monkey!!

It's true!  That's because passengers in sidecar motorcycles are called "monkeys".
Last weekend Uncle Rube, Missis, Mister and I participated in the Ural National Rally Day.  Lots of people all around the country rode their Ural sidecar motorcycles and everyone got points for special things - like how many miles you rode, riding across bridges (we got a lot of points for that!) or giving a cop a ride in your sidecar or even seeing a Yetti (we did not see any Yettis...).
Because I was riding along Missis and Mister got 75 extra points!  For the whole day we earned 1,190 points - and we won a really cool t-shirt!  Woo Hoo!

Rally team #287 ready to go!!

Who's the coolest monkey?



  1. I call Maisie a monkey all the time, but I guess I'd need to get a motorcycle for that to be accurate! you look adorable as always, Mr. J...

  2. You are DEFINITELY the coolest monkey! I'm glad to see that you've taken to sidecar riding like a pro!
